Psalms 38:11

38:11 Because of my condition, even my friends and acquaintances keep their distance;

my neighbors stand far away.

Psalms 50:11

50:11 I keep track of every bird in the hills,

and the insects of the field are mine.

Psalms 56:8

56:8 You keep track of my misery.

Put my tears in your leather container!

Are they not recorded in your scroll?

Psalms 88:18

88:18 You cause my friends and neighbors to keep their distance;

those who know me leave me alone in the darkness.

Psalms 119:34

119:34 Give me understanding so that I might observe your law,

and keep it with all my heart.

Psalms 130:3

130:3 If you, O Lord, were to keep track of sins,

O Lord, who could stand before you?