Psalms 33:15

33:15 He is the one who forms every human heart,

and takes note of all their actions.

Psalms 56:6

56:6 They stalk and lurk;

they watch my every step,

as they prepare to take my life.

Psalms 96:2

96:2 Sing to the Lord! Praise his name!

Announce every day how he delivers!

Psalms 97:3

97:3 Fire goes before him;

on every side it burns up his enemies.

Psalms 107:42

107:42 When the godly see this, they rejoice,

and every sinner shuts his mouth.

Psalms 145:2

145:2 Every day I will praise you!

I will praise your name continually!

Psalms 145:16

145:16 You open your hand,

and fill every living thing with the food they desire.