Psalms 32:3

32:3 When I refused to confess my sin,

my whole body wasted away,

while I groaned in pain all day long.

Psalms 33:8

33:8 Let the whole earth fear the Lord!

Let all who live in the world stand in awe of him!

Psalms 38:3

38:3 My whole body is sick because of your judgment;

I am deprived of health because of my sin.

Psalms 47:2

47:2 For the sovereign Lord is awe-inspiring;

he is the great king who rules the whole earth!

Psalms 51:19

51:19 Then you will accept the proper sacrifices, burnt sacrifices and whole offerings;

then bulls will be sacrificed on your altar.

Psalms 72:19

72:19 His glorious name deserves praise forevermore!

May his majestic splendor fill the whole earth!

We agree! We agree!

Psalms 86:12

86:12 O Lord, my God, I will give you thanks with my whole heart!

I will honor your name continually!

Psalms 97:9

97:9 For you, O Lord, are the sovereign king over the whole earth;

you are elevated high above all gods.

Psalms 130:5

130:5 I rely on the Lord,

I rely on him with my whole being;

I wait for his assuring word.