Psalms 31:10

31:10 For my life nears its end in pain;

my years draw to a close as I groan.

My strength fails me because of my sin,

and my bones become brittle.

Psalms 35:10

35:10 With all my strength I will say,

“O Lord, who can compare to you?

You rescue the oppressed from those who try to overpower them;

the oppressed and needy from those who try to rob them.”

Psalms 59:16

59:16 As for me, I will sing about your strength;

I will praise your loyal love in the morning.

For you are my refuge

and my place of shelter when I face trouble.

Psalms 68:35

68:35 You are awe-inspiring, O God, as you emerge from your holy temple!

It is the God of Israel who gives the people power and strength.

God deserves praise!

Psalms 71:18

71:18 Even when I am old and gray,

O God, do not abandon me,

until I tell the next generation about your strength,

and those coming after me about your power.

Psalms 78:4

78:4 we will not hide from their descendants.

We will tell the next generation

about the Lord’s praiseworthy acts,

about his strength and the amazing things he has done.