Psalms 30:11

30:11 Then you turned my lament into dancing;

you removed my sackcloth and covered me with joy.

Psalms 78:53

78:53 He guided them safely along,

while the sea covered their enemies.

Psalms 80:10

80:10 The mountains were covered by its shadow,

the highest cedars by its branches.

Psalms 89:45

89:45 You have cut short his youth,

and have covered him with shame. (Selah)

Psalms 92:10

92:10 You exalt my horn like that of a wild ox.

I am covered with fresh oil.

Psalms 104:6

104:6 The watery deep covered it like a garment;

the waters reached above the mountains.

Psalms 106:11

106:11 The water covered their enemies;

not even one of them survived.