Psalms 3:7

3:7 Rise up, Lord!

Deliver me, my God!

Yes, you will strike all my enemies on the jaw;

you will break the teeth of the wicked.

Psalms 10:14

10:14 You have taken notice,

for you always see one who inflicts pain and suffering.

The unfortunate victim entrusts his cause to you;

you deliver the fatherless.

Psalms 12:1

Psalm 12

For the music director; according to the sheminith style; a psalm of David.

12:1 Deliver, Lord!

For the godly have disappeared;

people of integrity have vanished.

Psalms 22:8

22:8 They say,

“Commit yourself to the Lord!

Let the Lord rescue him!

Let the Lord deliver him, for he delights in him.”

Psalms 28:9

28:9 Deliver your people!

Empower the nation that belongs to you!

Care for them like a shepherd and carry them in your arms at all times!

Psalms 31:8

31:8 You do not deliver me over to the power of the enemy;

you enable me to stand in a wide open place.

Psalms 56:13

56:13 when you deliver my life from death.

You keep my feet from stumbling,

so that I might serve God as I enjoy life.

Psalms 57:3

57:3 May he send help from heaven and deliver me

from my enemies who hurl insults! (Selah)

May God send his loyal love and faithfulness!

Psalms 69:1

Psalm 69

For the music director; according to the tune of “Lilies;” by David.

69:1 Deliver me, O God,

for the water has reached my neck.

Psalms 69:14

69:14 Rescue me from the mud! Don’t let me sink!

Deliver me from those who hate me,

from the deep water!

Psalms 69:35

69:35 For God will deliver Zion

and rebuild the cities of Judah,

and his people will again live in them and possess Zion.

Psalms 91:14

91:14 The Lord says,

“Because he is devoted to me, I will deliver him;

I will protect him because he is loyal to me.

Psalms 98:3

98:3 He remains loyal and faithful to the family of Israel.

All the ends of the earth see our God deliver us.

Psalms 106:47

106:47 Deliver us, O Lord, our God!

Gather us from among the nations!

Then we will give thanks to your holy name,

and boast about your praiseworthy deeds.

Psalms 109:21

109:21 O sovereign Lord,

intervene on my behalf for the sake of your reputation!

Because your loyal love is good, deliver me!