Psalms 3:3

3:3 But you, Lord, are a shield that protects me;

you are my glory and the one who restores me.

Psalms 7:8

7:8 The Lord judges the nations.

Vindicate me, Lord, because I am innocent,

because I am blameless, O Exalted One!

Psalms 7:14

7:14 See the one who is pregnant with wickedness,

who conceives destructive plans,

and gives birth to harmful lies –

Psalms 9:2

9:2 I will be happy and rejoice in you!

I will sing praises to you, O sovereign One!

Psalms 14:3

14:3 Everyone rejects God;

they are all morally corrupt.

None of them does what is right,

not even one!

Psalms 22:11

22:11 Do not remain far away from me,

for trouble is near and I have no one to help me.

Psalms 31:12

31:12 I am forgotten, like a dead man no one thinks about;

I am regarded as worthless, like a broken jar.

Psalms 32:2

32:2 How blessed is the one whose wrongdoing the Lord does not punish,

in whose spirit there is no deceit.

Psalms 32:10

32:10 An evil person suffers much pain,

but the Lord’s faithfulness overwhelms the one who trusts in him.

Psalms 34:8

34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good!

How blessed is the one who takes shelter in him!

Psalms 37:36

37:36 But then one passes by, and suddenly they have disappeared!

I looked for them, but they could not be found.

Psalms 41:7

41:7 All who hate me whisper insults about me to one another;

they plan ways to harm me.

Psalms 42:7

42:7 One deep stream calls out to another at the sound of your waterfalls;

all your billows and waves overwhelm me.

Psalms 53:3

53:3 Everyone rejects God;

they are all morally corrupt.

None of them does what is right,

not even one!

Psalms 56:2

56:2 Those who anticipate my defeat attack me all day long.

Indeed, many are fighting against me, O Exalted One.

Psalms 69:26

69:26 For they harass the one whom you discipline;

they spread the news about the suffering of those whom you punish.

Psalms 71:11

71:11 They say, “God has abandoned him.

Run and seize him, for there is no one who will rescue him!”

Psalms 73:11

73:11 They say, “How does God know what we do?

Is the sovereign one aware of what goes on?”

Psalms 73:20

73:20 They are like a dream after one wakes up.

O Lord, when you awake you will despise them.

Psalms 79:3

79:3 They have made their blood flow like water

all around Jerusalem, and there is no one to bury them.

Psalms 94:6

94:6 They kill the widow and the one residing outside his native land,

and they murder the fatherless.

Psalms 106:23

106:23 He threatened to destroy them,

but Moses, his chosen one, interceded with him

and turned back his destructive anger.

Psalms 112:1

Psalm 112

112:1 Praise the Lord!

How blessed is the one who obeys the Lord,

who takes great delight in keeping his commands.

Psalms 112:4

112:4 In the darkness a light shines for the godly,

for each one who is merciful, compassionate, and just.

Psalms 119:42

119:42 Then I will have a reply for the one who insults me,

for I trust in your word.

Psalms 129:6-7

129:6 May they be like the grass on the rooftops

which withers before one can even pull it up,

129:7 which cannot fill the reaper’s hand,

or the lap of the one who gathers the grain!

Psalms 141:7

141:7 As when one plows and breaks up the soil,

so our bones are scattered at the mouth of Sheol.

Psalms 146:5-6

146:5 How blessed is the one whose helper is the God of Jacob,

whose hope is in the Lord his God,

146:6 the one who made heaven and earth,

the sea, and all that is in them,

who remains forever faithful,