Psalms 3:2

3:2 Many say about me,

“God will not deliver him.” (Selah)

Psalms 14:5

14:5 They are absolutely terrified,

for God defends the godly.

Psalms 25:22

25:22 O God, rescue Israel

from all their distress!

Psalms 43:4

43:4 Then I will go to the altar of God,

to the God who gives me ecstatic joy,

so that I express my thanks to you, O God, my God, with a harp.

Psalms 47:6

47:6 Sing to God! Sing!

Sing to our king! Sing!

Psalms 50:6

50:6 The heavens declare his fairness,

for God is judge. (Selah)

Psalms 66:8

66:8 Praise our God, you nations!

Loudly proclaim his praise!

Psalms 66:19

66:19 However, God heard;

he listened to my prayer.

Psalms 75:2

75:2 God says,

“At the appointed times,

I judge fairly.

Psalms 78:59

78:59 God heard and was angry;

he completely rejected Israel.

Psalms 104:21

104:21 The lions roar for prey,

seeking their food from God.

Psalms 115:2-3

115:2 Why should the nations say,

“Where is their God?”

115:3 Our God is in heaven!

He does whatever he pleases!

Psalms 116:5

116:5 The Lord is merciful and fair;

our God is compassionate.

Psalms 147:12

147:12 Extol the Lord, O Jerusalem!

Praise your God, O Zion!