Psalms 29:1

Psalm 29

A psalm of David.

29:1 Acknowledge the Lord, you heavenly beings,

acknowledge the Lord’s majesty and power!

Psalms 31:15

31:15 You determine my destiny!

Rescue me from the power of my enemies and those who chase me.

Psalms 44:5

44:5 By your power we will drive back our enemies;

by your strength we will trample down our foes!

Psalms 49:15

49:15 But God will rescue my life from the power of Sheol;

certainly he will pull me to safety. (Selah)

Psalms 50:23

50:23 Whoever presents a thank-offering honors me.

To whoever obeys my commands, I will reveal my power to deliver.”

Psalms 66:3

66:3 Say to God:

“How awesome are your deeds!

Because of your great power your enemies cower in fear before you.

Psalms 66:7

66:7 He rules by his power forever;

he watches the nations.

Stubborn rebels should not exalt themselves. (Selah)

Psalms 68:28

68:28 God has decreed that you will be powerful.

O God, you who have acted on our behalf, demonstrate your power,

Psalms 71:4

71:4 My God, rescue me from the power of the wicked,

from the hand of the cruel oppressor!

Psalms 75:10

75:10 God says,

“I will bring down all the power of the wicked;

the godly will be victorious.”

Psalms 78:51

78:51 He struck down all the firstborn in Egypt,

the firstfruits of their reproductive power in the tents of Ham.

Psalms 89:48

89:48 No man can live on without experiencing death,

or deliver his life from the power of Sheol. (Selah)

Psalms 98:2

98:2 The Lord demonstrates his power to deliver;

in the sight of the nations he reveals his justice.

Psalms 107:2

107:2 Let those delivered by the Lord speak out,

those whom he delivered from the power of the enemy,

Psalms 144:7

144:7 Reach down from above!

Grab me and rescue me from the surging water,

from the power of foreigners,

Psalms 144:11

144:11 Grab me and rescue me from the power of foreigners,

who speak lies,

and make false promises.