Psalms 24:6

24:6 Such purity characterizes the people who seek his favor,

Jacob’s descendants, who pray to him. (Selah)

Psalms 46:7

46:7 The Lord who commands armies is on our side!

The God of Jacob is our protector! (Selah)

Psalms 46:11

46:11 The Lord who commands armies is on our side!

The God of Jacob is our protector! (Selah)

Psalms 47:4

47:4 He picked out for us a special land

to be a source of pride for Jacob, whom he loves. (Selah)

Psalms 75:9

75:9 As for me, I will continually tell what you have done;

I will sing praises to the God of Jacob!

Psalms 76:6

76:6 At the sound of your battle cry, O God of Jacob,

both rider and horse “fell asleep.”

Psalms 81:4

81:4 For observing the festival is a requirement for Israel;

it is an ordinance given by the God of Jacob.

Psalms 94:7

94:7 Then they say, “The Lord does not see this;

the God of Jacob does not take notice of it.”

Psalms 105:6

105:6 O children of Abraham, God’s servant,

you descendants of Jacob, God’s chosen ones!

Psalms 132:2

132:2 and how he made a vow to the Lord,

and swore an oath to the powerful ruler of Jacob.

Psalms 132:5

132:5 until I find a place for the Lord,

a fine dwelling place for the powerful ruler of Jacob.”

Psalms 146:5

146:5 How blessed is the one whose helper is the God of Jacob,

whose hope is in the Lord his God,