Psalms 23:2

23:2 He takes me to lush pastures,

he leads me to refreshing water.

Psalms 33:7

33:7 He piles up the water of the sea;

he puts the oceans in storehouses.

Psalms 58:7

58:7 Let them disappear like water that flows away!

Let them wither like grass!

Psalms 78:16

78:16 He caused streams to flow from the rock,

and made the water flow like rivers.

Psalms 88:17

88:17 They surround me like water all day long;

they join forces and encircle me.

Psalms 104:11

104:11 They provide water for all the animals in the field;

the wild donkeys quench their thirst.

Psalms 105:41

105:41 He opened up a rock and water flowed out;

a river ran through dry regions.

Psalms 106:11

106:11 The water covered their enemies;

not even one of them survived.

Psalms 107:24

107:24 They witnessed the acts of the Lord,

his amazing feats on the deep water.

Psalms 107:33

107:33 He turned streams into a desert,

springs of water into arid land,

Psalms 124:4

124:4 The water would have overpowered us;

the current would have overwhelmed us.

Psalms 130:1

Psalm 130

A song of ascents.

130:1 From the deep water I cry out to you, O Lord.

Psalms 136:6

136:6 to the one who spread out the earth over the water,

for his loyal love endures,

Psalms 147:18

147:18 He then orders it all to melt;

he breathes on it, and the water flows.