Psalms 22:25

22:25 You are the reason I offer praise in the great assembly;

I will fulfill my promises before the Lord’s loyal followers.

Psalms 23:5

23:5 You prepare a feast before me

in plain sight of my enemies.

You refresh my head with oil;

my cup is completely full.

Psalms 45:14

45:14 In embroidered robes she is escorted to the king.

Her attendants, the maidens of honor who follow her,

are led before you.

Psalms 58:9

58:9 Before the kindling is even placed under your pots,

he will sweep it away along with both the raw and cooked meat.

Psalms 68:4

68:4 Sing to God! Sing praises to his name!

Exalt the one who rides on the clouds!

For the Lord is his name!

Rejoice before him!

Psalms 78:55

78:55 He drove the nations out from before them;

he assigned them their tribal allotments

and allowed the tribes of Israel to settle down.

Psalms 79:10

79:10 Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?”

Before our very eyes may the shed blood of your servants

be avenged among the nations!

Psalms 96:13

96:13 before the Lord, for he comes!

For he comes to judge the earth!

He judges the world fairly,

and the nations in accordance with his justice.

Psalms 98:9

98:9 before the Lord!

For he comes to judge the earth!

He judges the world fairly,

and the nations in a just manner.

Psalms 138:1

Psalm 138

By David.

138:1 I will give you thanks with all my heart;

before the heavenly assembly I will sing praises to you.