Psalms 22:16

22:16 Yes, wild dogs surround me –

a gang of evil men crowd around me;

like a lion they pin my hands and feet.

Psalms 42:9

42:9 I will pray to God, my high ridge:

“Why do you ignore me?

Why must I walk around mourning

because my enemies oppress me?”

Psalms 43:2

43:2 For you are the God who shelters me.

Why do you reject me?

Why must I walk around mourning

because my enemies oppress me?

Psalms 93:1

Psalm 93

93:1 The Lord reigns!

He is robed in majesty,

the Lord is robed,

he wears strength around his waist.

Indeed, the world is established, it cannot be moved.

Psalms 139:11

139:11 If I were to say, “Certainly the darkness will cover me,

and the light will turn to night all around me,”