Psalms 22:11

22:11 Do not remain far away from me,

for trouble is near and I have no one to help me.

Psalms 22:19

22:19 But you, O Lord, do not remain far away!

You are my source of strength! Hurry and help me!

Psalms 32:3

32:3 When I refused to confess my sin,

my whole body wasted away,

while I groaned in pain all day long.

Psalms 38:11

38:11 Because of my condition, even my friends and acquaintances keep their distance;

my neighbors stand far away.

Psalms 55:6

55:6 I say, “I wish I had wings like a dove!

I would fly away and settle in a safe place!

Psalms 102:23

102:23 He has taken away my strength in the middle of life;

he has cut short my days.

Psalms 109:23

109:23 I am fading away like a shadow at the end of the day;

I am shaken off like a locust.

Psalms 118:11

118:11 They surrounded me, yes, they surrounded me.

Indeed, in the name of the Lord I pushed them away.

Psalms 119:115

119:115 Turn away from me, you evil men,

so that I can observe the commands of my God.

Psalms 138:6

138:6 Though the Lord is exalted, he takes note of the lowly,

and recognizes the proud from far away.

Psalms 139:2

139:2 You know when I sit down and when I get up;

even from far away you understand my motives.