Psalms 21:5

21:5 Your deliverance brings him great honor;

you give him majestic splendor.

Psalms 26:8

26:8 O Lord, I love the temple where you live,

the place where your splendor is revealed.

Psalms 45:3

45:3 Strap your sword to your thigh, O warrior!

Appear in your majestic splendor!

Psalms 50:2

50:2 From Zion, the most beautiful of all places,

God comes in splendor.

Psalms 57:5

57:5 Rise up above the sky, O God!

May your splendor cover the whole earth!

Psalms 57:11

57:11 Rise up above the sky, O God!

May your splendor cover the whole earth!

Psalms 63:2

63:2 Yes, in the sanctuary I have seen you,

and witnessed your power and splendor.

Psalms 71:8

71:8 I praise you constantly

and speak of your splendor all day long.

Psalms 89:17

89:17 For you give them splendor and strength.

By your favor we are victorious.

Psalms 89:44

89:44 You have brought to an end his splendor,

and have knocked his throne to the ground.

Psalms 94:1

Psalm 94

94:1 O Lord, the God who avenges!

O God who avenges, reveal your splendor!

Psalms 96:3

96:3 Tell the nations about his splendor!

Tell all the nations about his amazing deeds!

Psalms 96:6-8

96:6 Majestic splendor emanates from him;

his sanctuary is firmly established and beautiful.

96:7 Ascribe to the Lord, O families of the nations,

ascribe to the Lord splendor and strength!

96:8 Ascribe to the Lord the splendor he deserves!

Bring an offering and enter his courts!

Psalms 97:6

97:6 The sky declares his justice,

and all the nations see his splendor.

Psalms 108:5

108:5 Rise up above the sky, O God!

May your splendor cover the whole earth!

Psalms 113:4

113:4 The Lord is exalted over all the nations;

his splendor reaches beyond the sky.

Psalms 145:5

145:5 I will focus on your honor and majestic splendor,

and your amazing deeds!

Psalms 145:11-12

145:11 They will proclaim the splendor of your kingdom;

they will tell about your power,

145:12 so that mankind might acknowledge your mighty acts,

and the majestic splendor of your kingdom.