Psalms 2:7

2:7 The king says, “I will announce the Lord’s decree. He said to me:

‘You are my son! This very day I have become your father!

Psalms 5:10

5:10 Condemn them, O God!

May their own schemes be their downfall!

Drive them away because of their many acts of insurrection,

for they have rebelled against you.

Psalms 7:6

7:6 Stand up angrily, Lord!

Rise up with raging fury against my enemies!

Wake up for my sake and execute the judgment you have decreed for them!

Psalms 8:2

8:2 From the mouths of children and nursing babies

you have ordained praise on account of your adversaries,

so that you might put an end to the vindictive enemy.

Psalms 9:6

9:6 The enemy’s cities have been reduced to permanent ruins;

you destroyed their cities;

all memory of the enemies has perished.

Psalms 10:14

10:14 You have taken notice,

for you always see one who inflicts pain and suffering.

The unfortunate victim entrusts his cause to you;

you deliver the fatherless.

Psalms 11:1

Psalm 11

For the music director; by David.

11:1 In the Lord I have taken shelter.

How can you say to me,

“Flee to a mountain like a bird!

Psalms 31:1

Psalm 31

For the music director; a psalm of David.

31:1 In you, O Lord, I have taken shelter!

Never let me be humiliated!

Vindicate me by rescuing me!

Psalms 31:23

31:23 Love the Lord, all you faithful followers of his!

The Lord protects those who have integrity,

but he pays back in full the one who acts arrogantly.

Psalms 37:25

37:25 I was once young, now I am old.

I have never seen a godly man abandoned,

or his children forced to search for food.

Psalms 38:16

38:16 I have prayed for deliverance, because otherwise they will gloat over me;

when my foot slips they will arrogantly taunt me.

Psalms 40:9

40:9 I have told the great assembly about your justice.

Look! I spare no words!

O Lord, you know this is true.

Psalms 59:3-5

59:3 For look, they wait to ambush me;

powerful men stalk me,

but not because I have rebelled or sinned, O Lord.

59:4 Though I have done nothing wrong, they are anxious to attack.

Spring into action and help me! Take notice of me!

59:5 You, O Lord God, the invincible warrior, the God of Israel,

rouse yourself and punish all the nations!

Have no mercy on any treacherous evildoers! (Selah)

Psalms 68:6

68:6 God settles those who have been deserted in their own homes;

he frees prisoners and grants them prosperity.

But sinful rebels live in the desert.

Psalms 68:18

68:18 You ascend on high,

you have taken many captives.

You receive tribute from men,

including even sinful rebels.

Indeed the Lord God lives there!

Psalms 71:19-20

71:19 Your justice, O God, extends to the skies above;

you have done great things.

O God, who can compare to you?

71:20 Though you have allowed me to experience much trouble and distress,

revive me once again!

Bring me up once again from the depths of the earth!

Psalms 73:12

73:12 Take a good look! This is what the wicked are like,

those who always have it so easy and get richer and richer.

Psalms 74:1

Psalm 74

A well-written song by Asaph.

74:1 Why, O God, have you permanently rejected us?

Why does your anger burn against the sheep of your pasture?

Psalms 79:2

79:2 They have given the corpses of your servants

to the birds of the sky;

the flesh of your loyal followers

to the beasts of the earth.

Psalms 84:11

84:11 For the Lord God is our sovereign protector.

The Lord bestows favor and honor;

he withholds no good thing from those who have integrity.

Psalms 109:17

109:17 He loved to curse others, so those curses have come upon him.

He had no desire to bless anyone, so he has experienced no blessings.

Psalms 139:18

139:18 If I tried to count them,

they would outnumber the grains of sand.

Even if I finished counting them,

I would still have to contend with you.

Psalms 140:8

140:8 O Lord, do not let the wicked have their way!

Do not allow their plan to succeed when they attack! (Selah)

Psalms 141:4

141:4 Do not let me have evil desires,

or participate in sinful activities

with men who behave wickedly.

I will not eat their delicacies.

Psalms 142:3-4

142:3 Even when my strength leaves me,

you watch my footsteps.

In the path where I walk

they have hidden a trap for me.

142:4 Look to the right and see!

No one cares about me.

I have nowhere to run;

no one is concerned about my life.

Psalms 143:3

143:3 Certainly my enemies chase me.

They smash me into the ground.

They force me to live in dark regions,

like those who have been dead for ages.

Psalms 149:9

149:9 and execute the judgment to which their enemies have been sentenced.

All his loyal followers will be vindicated.

Praise the Lord!