Psalms 2:4

2:4 The one enthroned in heaven laughs in disgust;

the Lord taunts them.

Psalms 5:12

5:12 Certainly you reward the godly, Lord.

Like a shield you protect them in your good favor.

Psalms 7:7

7:7 The countries are assembled all around you;

take once more your rightful place over them!

Psalms 8:5-6

8:5 and make them a little less than the heavenly beings?

You grant mankind honor and majesty;

8:6 you appoint them to rule over your creation;

you have placed everything under their authority,

Psalms 9:20

9:20 Terrify them, Lord!

Let the nations know they are mere mortals! (Selah)

Psalms 10:18

10:18 You defend the fatherless and oppressed,

so that mere mortals may no longer terrorize them.

Psalms 12:7

12:7 You, Lord, will protect them;

you will continually shelter each one from these evil people,

Psalms 17:5

17:5 I carefully obey your commands;

I do not deviate from them.

Psalms 19:11

19:11 Yes, your servant finds moral guidance there;

those who obey them receive a rich reward.

Psalms 22:4

22:4 In you our ancestors trusted;

they trusted in you and you rescued them.

Psalms 24:5

24:5 Such godly people are rewarded by the Lord,

and vindicated by the God who delivers them.

Psalms 33:19

33:19 by saving their lives from death

and sustaining them during times of famine.

Psalms 34:7

34:7 The Lord’s angel camps around

the Lord’s loyal followers and delivers them.

Psalms 34:16-17

34:16 But the Lord opposes evildoers

and wipes out all memory of them from the earth.

34:17 The godly cry out and the Lord hears;

he saves them from all their troubles.

Psalms 34:20

34:20 He protects all his bones;

not one of them is broken.

Psalms 35:5-6

35:5 May they be like wind-driven chaff,

as the Lord’s angel attacks them!

35:6 May their path be dark and slippery,

as the Lord’s angel chases them!

Psalms 35:24

35:24 Vindicate me by your justice, O Lord my God!

Do not let them gloat over me!

Psalms 37:13

37:13 The Lord laughs in disgust at them,

for he knows that their day is coming.

Psalms 37:32

37:32 Evil men set an ambush for the godly

and try to kill them.

Psalms 37:39

37:39 But the Lord delivers the godly;

he protects them in times of trouble.

Psalms 44:12

44:12 You sold your people for a pittance;

you did not ask a high price for them.

Psalms 48:6

48:6 Look at them shake uncontrollably,

like a woman writhing in childbirth.

Psalms 55:9

55:9 Confuse them, O Lord!

Frustrate their plans!

For I see violence and conflict in the city.

Psalms 55:20

55:20 He attacks his friends;

he breaks his solemn promises to them.

Psalms 59:8

59:8 But you, O Lord, laugh in disgust at them;

you taunt all the nations.

Psalms 64:7-8

64:7 But God will shoot at them;

suddenly they will be wounded by an arrow.

64:8 Their slander will bring about their demise.

All who see them will shudder,

Psalms 68:10

68:10 for you live among them.

You sustain the oppressed with your good blessings, O God.

Psalms 69:32

69:32 The oppressed look on – let them rejoice!

You who seek God, may you be encouraged!

Psalms 72:14

72:14 From harm and violence he will defend them;

he will value their lives.

Psalms 73:7

73:7 Their prosperity causes them to do wrong;

their thoughts are sinful.

Psalms 78:11

78:11 They forgot what he had done,

the amazing things he had shown them.

Psalms 78:25

78:25 Man ate the food of the mighty ones.

He sent them more than enough to eat.

Psalms 78:28-29

78:28 He caused them to fall right in the middle of their camp,

all around their homes.

78:29 They ate until they were stuffed;

he gave them what they desired.

Psalms 78:33-34

78:33 So he caused them to die unsatisfied

and filled with terror.

78:34 When he struck them down, they sought his favor;

they turned back and longed for God.

Psalms 78:42

78:42 They did not remember what he had done,

how he delivered them from the enemy,

Psalms 78:45

78:45 He sent swarms of biting insects against them,

as well as frogs that overran their land.

Psalms 78:53

78:53 He guided them safely along,

while the sea covered their enemies.

Psalms 78:66

78:66 He drove his enemies back;

he made them a permanent target for insults.

Psalms 80:16

80:16 It is burned and cut down.

They die because you are displeased with them.

Psalms 82:4

82:4 Rescue the poor and needy!

Deliver them from the power of the wicked!

Psalms 83:8

83:8 Even Assyria has allied with them,

lending its strength to the descendants of Lot. (Selah)

Psalms 83:13

83:13 O my God, make them like dead thistles,

like dead weeds blown away by the wind!

Psalms 87:7

87:7 As for the singers, as well as the pipers –

all of them sing within your walls.

Psalms 89:9

89:9 You rule over the proud sea.

When its waves surge, you calm them.

Psalms 89:17

89:17 For you give them splendor and strength.

By your favor we are victorious.

Psalms 99:3

99:3 Let them praise your great and awesome name!

He is holy!

Psalms 104:12

104:12 The birds of the sky live beside them;

they chirp among the bushes.

Psalms 104:27

104:27 All of your creatures wait for you

to provide them with food on a regular basis.

Psalms 105:14

105:14 He let no one oppress them;

he disciplined kings for their sake,

Psalms 105:17

105:17 He sent a man ahead of them –

Joseph was sold as a servant.

Psalms 105:24-25

105:24 The Lord made his people very fruitful,

and made them more numerous than their enemies.

105:25 He caused them to hate his people,

and to mistreat his servants.

Psalms 105:27

105:27 They executed his miraculous signs among them,

and his amazing deeds in the land of Ham.

Psalms 105:38

105:38 Egypt was happy when they left,

for they were afraid of them.

Psalms 105:40

105:40 They asked for food, and he sent quails;

he satisfied them with food from the sky.

Psalms 106:8

106:8 Yet he delivered them for the sake of his reputation,

that he might reveal his power.

Psalms 106:11

106:11 The water covered their enemies;

not even one of them survived.

Psalms 106:21

106:21 They rejected the God who delivered them,

the one who performed great deeds in Egypt,

Psalms 106:26-27

106:26 So he made a solemn vow

that he would make them die in the desert,

106:27 make their descendants die among the nations,

and scatter them among foreign lands.

Psalms 106:29

106:29 They made the Lord angry by their actions,

and a plague broke out among them.

Psalms 106:32

106:32 They made him angry by the waters of Meribah,

and Moses suffered because of them,

Psalms 106:34

106:34 They did not destroy the nations,

as the Lord had commanded them to do.

Psalms 106:45

106:45 He remembered his covenant with them,

and relented because of his great loyal love.

Psalms 107:6

107:6 They cried out to the Lord in their distress;

he delivered them from their troubles.

Psalms 107:13-14

107:13 They cried out to the Lord in their distress;

he delivered them from their troubles.

107:14 He brought them out of the utter darkness,

and tore off their shackles.

Psalms 107:19

107:19 They cried out to the Lord in their distress;

he delivered them from their troubles.

Psalms 107:22

107:22 Let them present thank offerings,

and loudly proclaim what he has done!

Psalms 107:28

107:28 They cried out to the Lord in their distress;

he delivered them from their troubles.

Psalms 109:25

109:25 I am disdained by them.

When they see me, they shake their heads.

Psalms 111:2

111:2 The Lord’s deeds are great,

eagerly awaited by all who desire them.

Psalms 118:10

118:10 All the nations surrounded me.

Indeed, in the name of the Lord I pushed them away.

Psalms 119:93

119:93 I will never forget your precepts,

for by them you have revived me.

Psalms 119:98

119:98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies,

for I am always aware of them.

Psalms 119:158

119:158 I take note of the treacherous and despise them,

because they do not keep your instructions.

Psalms 119:165

119:165 Those who love your law are completely secure;

nothing causes them to stumble.

Psalms 137:9

137:9 How blessed will be the one who grabs your babies

and smashes them on a rock!

Psalms 144:5

144:5 O Lord, make the sky sink and come down!

Touch the mountains and make them smolder!

Psalms 145:15

145:15 Everything looks to you in anticipation,

and you provide them with food on a regular basis.

Psalms 147:4

147:4 He counts the number of the stars;

he names all of them.

Psalms 148:6

148:6 He established them so they would endure;

he issued a decree that will not be revoked.

Psalms 149:4-5

149:4 For the Lord takes delight in his people;

he exalts the oppressed by delivering them.

149:5 Let the godly rejoice because of their vindication!

Let them shout for joy upon their beds!