Psalms 2:1

Psalm 2

2:1 Why do the nations rebel?

Why are the countries devising plots that will fail?

Psalms 2:10

2:10 So now, you kings, do what is wise;

you rulers of the earth, submit to correction!

Psalms 10:12

10:12 Rise up, Lord!

O God, strike him down!

Do not forget the oppressed!

Psalms 15:3

15:3 He does not slander,

or do harm to others,

or insult his neighbor.

Psalms 17:5

17:5 I carefully obey your commands;

I do not deviate from them.

Psalms 18:22

18:22 For I am aware of all his regulations,

and I do not reject his rules.

Psalms 21:2

21:2 You grant him his heart’s desire;

you do not refuse his request. (Selah)

Psalms 26:4-5

26:4 I do not associate with deceitful men,

or consort with those who are dishonest.

26:5 I hate the mob of evil men,

and do not associate with the wicked.

Psalms 26:9-10

26:9 Do not sweep me away with sinners,

or execute me along with violent people,

26:10 who are always ready to do wrong

or offer a bribe.

Psalms 27:8

27:8 My heart tells me to pray to you,

and I do pray to you, O Lord.

Psalms 28:4

28:4 Pay them back for their evil deeds!

Pay them back for what they do!

Punish them!

Psalms 34:12

34:12 Do you want to really live?

Would you love to live a long, happy life?

Psalms 34:14

34:14 Turn away from evil and do what is right!

Strive for peace and promote it!

Psalms 35:22

35:22 But you take notice, Lord!

O Lord, do not remain far away from me!

Psalms 35:24

35:24 Vindicate me by your justice, O Lord my God!

Do not let them gloat over me!

Psalms 36:11

36:11 Do not let arrogant men overtake me,

or let evil men make me homeless!

Psalms 37:27

37:27 Turn away from evil! Do what is right!

Then you will enjoy lasting security.

Psalms 37:31

37:31 The law of their God controls their thinking;

their feet do not slip.

Psalms 40:8

40:8 I want to do what pleases you, my God.

Your law dominates my thoughts.”

Psalms 44:24

44:24 Why do you look the other way,

and ignore the way we are oppressed and mistreated?

Psalms 49:12

49:12 but, despite their wealth, people do not last,

they are like animals that perish.

Psalms 49:16

49:16 Do not be afraid when a man becomes rich

and his wealth multiplies!

Psalms 49:20

49:20 Wealthy people do not understand;

they are like animals that perish.

Psalms 50:9

50:9 I do not need to take a bull from your household

or goats from your sheepfolds.

Psalms 50:19

50:19 You do damage with words,

and use your tongue to deceive.

Psalms 51:18

51:18 Because you favor Zion, do what is good for her!

Fortify the walls of Jerusalem!

Psalms 54:3

54:3 For foreigners attack me;

ruthless men, who do not respect God, seek my life. (Selah)

Psalms 55:11

55:11 Disaster is within it;

violence and deceit do not depart from its public square.

Psalms 56:11

56:11 in God I trust, I am not afraid.

What can mere men do to me?

Psalms 58:2

58:2 No! You plan how to do what is unjust;

you deal out violence in the earth.

Psalms 62:12

62:12 and you, O Lord, demonstrate loyal love.

For you repay men for what they do.

Psalms 69:17

69:17 Do not ignore your servant,

for I am in trouble! Answer me right away!

Psalms 69:27

69:27 Hold them accountable for all their sins!

Do not vindicate them!

Psalms 71:12

71:12 O God, do not remain far away from me!

My God, hurry and help me!

Psalms 73:7

73:7 Their prosperity causes them to do wrong;

their thoughts are sinful.

Psalms 73:25

73:25 Whom do I have in heaven but you?

I desire no one but you on earth.

Psalms 74:23

74:23 Do not disregard what your enemies say,

or the unceasing shouts of those who defy you.

Psalms 78:32

78:32 Despite all this, they continued to sin,

and did not trust him to do amazing things.

Psalms 85:4

85:4 Restore us, O God our deliverer!

Do not be displeased with us!

Psalms 86:10

86:10 For you are great and do amazing things.

You alone are God.

Psalms 88:14

88:14 O Lord, why do you reject me,

and pay no attention to me?

Psalms 89:31

89:31 if they break my rules

and do not keep my commandments,

Psalms 89:47

89:47 Take note of my brief lifespan!

Why do you make all people so mortal?

Psalms 91:11

91:11 For he will order his angels

to protect you in all you do.

Psalms 92:6

92:6 The spiritually insensitive do not recognize this;

the fool does not understand this.

Psalms 101:4

101:4 I will have nothing to do with a perverse person;

I will not permit evil.

Psalms 102:27

102:27 But you remain;

your years do not come to an end.

Psalms 103:2

103:2 Praise the Lord, O my soul!

Do not forget all his kind deeds!

Psalms 104:23

104:23 Men then go out to do their work,

and labor away until evening.

Psalms 106:3

106:3 How blessed are those who promote justice,

and do what is right all the time!

Psalms 106:34

106:34 They did not destroy the nations,

as the Lord had commanded them to do.

Psalms 114:6

114:6 Why do you skip like rams, O mountains,

like lambs, O hills?

Psalms 118:6

118:6 The Lord is on my side, I am not afraid!

What can people do to me?

Psalms 119:10

119:10 With all my heart I seek you.

Do not allow me to stray from your commands!

Psalms 119:16

119:16 I find delight in your statutes;

I do not forget your instructions.

Psalms 119:19

119:19 I am like a foreigner in this land.

Do not hide your commands from me!

Psalms 119:31-32

119:31 I hold fast to your rules.

O Lord, do not let me be ashamed!

119:32 I run along the path of your commands,

for you enable me to do so.

Psalms 119:43

119:43 Do not completely deprive me of a truthful testimony,

for I await your justice.

Psalms 119:61

119:61 The ropes of the wicked tighten around me,

but I do not forget your law.

Psalms 119:68

119:68 You are good and you do good.

Teach me your statutes!

Psalms 119:83

119:83 For I am like a wineskin dried up in smoke.

I do not forget your statutes.

Psalms 119:87

119:87 They have almost destroyed me here on the earth,

but I do not reject your precepts.

Psalms 119:102

119:102 I do not turn aside from your regulations,

for you teach me.

Psalms 119:109-110

119:109 My life is in continual danger,

but I do not forget your law.

119:110 The wicked lay a trap for me,

but I do not wander from your precepts.

Psalms 119:116

119:116 Sustain me as you promised, so that I will live.

Do not disappoint me!

Psalms 119:122

119:122 Guarantee the welfare of your servant!

Do not let the arrogant oppress me!

Psalms 119:132-133

119:132 Turn toward me and extend mercy to me,

as you typically do to your loyal followers.

119:133 Direct my steps by your word!

Do not let any sin dominate me!

Psalms 119:136

119:136 Tears stream down from my eyes,

because people do not keep your law.

Psalms 119:141

119:141 I am insignificant and despised,

yet I do not forget your precepts.

Psalms 119:149-150

119:149 Listen to me because of your loyal love!

O Lord, revive me, as you typically do!

119:150 Those who are eager to do wrong draw near;

they are far from your law.

Psalms 119:153

ר (Resh)

119:153 See my pain and rescue me!

For I do not forget your law.

Psalms 119:155-158

119:155 The wicked have no chance for deliverance,

for they do not seek your statutes.

119:156 Your compassion is great, O Lord.

Revive me, as you typically do!

119:157 The enemies who chase me are numerous.

Yet I do not turn aside from your rules.

119:158 I take note of the treacherous and despise them,

because they do not keep your instructions.

Psalms 119:168

119:168 I keep your precepts and rules,

for you are aware of everything I do.

Psalms 121:8

121:8 The Lord will protect you in all you do,

now and forevermore.

Psalms 125:4

125:4 Do good, O Lord, to those who are good,

to the morally upright!

Psalms 132:10

132:10 For the sake of David, your servant,

do not reject your chosen king!

Psalms 139:21

139:21 O Lord, do I not hate those who hate you,

and despise those who oppose you?

Psalms 143:2

143:2 Do not sit in judgment on your servant,

for no one alive is innocent before you.

Psalms 146:3

146:3 Do not trust in princes,

or in human beings, who cannot deliver!