Psalms 18:9

18:9 He made the sky sink as he descended;

a thick cloud was under his feet.

Psalms 36:5

36:5 O Lord, your loyal love reaches to the sky;

your faithfulness to the clouds.

Psalms 57:5

57:5 Rise up above the sky, O God!

May your splendor cover the whole earth!

Psalms 57:10-11

57:10 For your loyal love extends beyond the sky,

and your faithfulness reaches the clouds.

57:11 Rise up above the sky, O God!

May your splendor cover the whole earth!

Psalms 68:33

68:33 to the one who rides through the sky from ancient times!

Look! He thunders loudly.

Psalms 78:23

78:23 He gave a command to the clouds above,

and opened the doors in the sky.

Psalms 85:11

85:11 Faithfulness grows from the ground,

and deliverance looks down from the sky.

Psalms 96:5

96:5 For all the gods of the nations are worthless,

but the Lord made the sky.

Psalms 97:6

97:6 The sky declares his justice,

and all the nations see his splendor.

Psalms 104:12

104:12 The birds of the sky live beside them;

they chirp among the bushes.

Psalms 105:40

105:40 They asked for food, and he sent quails;

he satisfied them with food from the sky.

Psalms 108:4-5

108:4 For your loyal love extends beyond the sky,

and your faithfulness reaches the clouds.

108:5 Rise up above the sky, O God!

May your splendor cover the whole earth!

Psalms 113:4

113:4 The Lord is exalted over all the nations;

his splendor reaches beyond the sky.

Psalms 113:6

113:6 He bends down to look

at the sky and the earth.

Psalms 144:5

144:5 O Lord, make the sky sink and come down!

Touch the mountains and make them smolder!

Psalms 148:1

Psalm 148

148:1 Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord from the sky!

Praise him in the heavens!

Psalms 148:4

148:4 Praise him, O highest heaven,

and you waters above the sky!