Psalms 18:27

18:27 For you deliver oppressed people,

but you bring down those who have a proud look.

Psalms 20:4

20:4 May he grant your heart’s desire;

may he bring all your plans to pass!

Psalms 21:3

21:3 For you bring him rich blessings;

you place a golden crown on his head.

Psalms 60:9

60:9 Who will lead me into the fortified city?

Who will bring me to Edom?

Psalms 64:8

64:8 Their slander will bring about their demise.

All who see them will shudder,

Psalms 68:29

68:29 as you come out of your temple in Jerusalem!

Kings bring tribute to you.

Psalms 72:3

72:3 The mountains will bring news of peace to the people,

and the hills will announce justice.

Psalms 73:18

73:18 Surely you put them in slippery places;

you bring them down to ruin.

Psalms 96:8

96:8 Ascribe to the Lord the splendor he deserves!

Bring an offering and enter his courts!

Psalms 108:10

108:10 Who will lead me into the fortified city?

Who will bring me to Edom?