Psalms 18:15

18:15 The depths of the sea were exposed;

the inner regions of the world were uncovered

by your battle cry, Lord,

by the powerful breath from your nose.

Psalms 24:1

Psalm 24

A psalm of David.

24:1 The Lord owns the earth and all it contains,

the world and all who live in it.

Psalms 49:1

Psalm 49

For the music director, a psalm by the Korahites.

49:1 Listen to this, all you nations!

Pay attention, all you inhabitants of the world!

Psalms 93:1

Psalm 93

93:1 The Lord reigns!

He is robed in majesty,

the Lord is robed,

he wears strength around his waist.

Indeed, the world is established, it cannot be moved.

Psalms 96:13

96:13 before the Lord, for he comes!

For he comes to judge the earth!

He judges the world fairly,

and the nations in accordance with his justice.

Psalms 98:9

98:9 before the Lord!

For he comes to judge the earth!

He judges the world fairly,

and the nations in a just manner.