17:15 As for me, because I am innocent I will see your face;
when I awake you will reveal yourself to me.
35:28 Then I will tell others about your justice,
and praise you all day long.
45:10 Listen, O princess!
Observe and pay attention!
Forget your homeland and your family!
51:11 Do not reject me!
Do not take your Holy Spirit away from me!
63:2 Yes, in the sanctuary I have seen you,
and witnessed your power and splendor.
65:11 You crown the year with your good blessings,
and you leave abundance in your wake.
68:23 so that your feet may stomp in their blood,
and your dogs may eat their portion of the enemies’ corpses.”
71:8 I praise you constantly
and speak of your splendor all day long.
74:11 Why do you remain inactive?
Intervene and destroy him!
83:3 They carefully plot against your people,
and make plans to harm the ones you cherish.