Psalms 14:4

14:4 All those who behave wickedly do not understand –

those who devour my people as if they were eating bread,

and do not call out to the Lord.

Psalms 22:2

22:2 My God, I cry out during the day,

but you do not answer,

and during the night my prayers do not let up.

Psalms 25:2

25:2 My God, I trust in you.

Please do not let me be humiliated;

do not let my enemies triumphantly rejoice over me!

Psalms 35:19

35:19 Do not let those who are my enemies for no reason gloat over me!

Do not let those who hate me without cause carry out their wicked schemes!

Psalms 35:25

35:25 Do not let them say to themselves, “Aha! We have what we wanted!”

Do not let them say, “We have devoured him!”

Psalms 53:4

53:4 All those who behave wickedly do not understand –

those who devour my people as if they were eating bread,

and do not call out to God.

Psalms 58:1

Psalm 58

For the music director; according to the al-tashcheth style; a prayer of David.

58:1 Do you rulers really pronounce just decisions?

Do you judge people fairly?

Psalms 74:19

74:19 Do not hand the life of your dove over to a wild animal!

Do not continue to disregard the lives of your oppressed people!

Psalms 79:6

79:6 Pour out your anger on the nations that do not acknowledge you,

on the kingdoms that do not pray to you!

Psalms 140:8

140:8 O Lord, do not let the wicked have their way!

Do not allow their plan to succeed when they attack! (Selah)