106:13 They quickly forgot what he had done;
they did not wait for his instructions.
106:14 In the wilderness they had an insatiable craving for meat;
they challenged God in the desert.
106:15 He granted their request,
then struck them with a disease.
106:16 In the camp they resented Moses,
and Aaron, the Lord’s holy priest.
106:17 The earth opened up and swallowed Dathan;
it engulfed the group led by Abiram.
106:18 Fire burned their group;
the flames scorched the wicked.
106:19 They made an image of a calf at Horeb,
and worshiped a metal idol.
106:20 They traded their majestic God
for the image of an ox that eats grass.
106:21 They rejected the God who delivered them,
the one who performed great deeds in Egypt,
106:22 amazing feats in the land of Ham,
mighty acts by the Red Sea.