Psalms 10:3-4

10:3 Yes, the wicked man boasts because he gets what he wants;

the one who robs others curses and rejects the Lord.

10:4 The wicked man is so arrogant he always thinks,

“God won’t hold me accountable; he doesn’t care.”

Psalms 10:15

10:15 Break the arm of the wicked and evil man!

Hold him accountable for his wicked deeds,

which he thought you would not discover.

Psalms 36:1

Psalm 36

For the music director; written by the Lord’s servant, David; an oracle.

36:1 An evil man is rebellious to the core.

He does not fear God,

Psalms 37:7

37:7 Wait patiently for the Lord!

Wait confidently for him!

Do not fret over the apparent success of a sinner,

a man who carries out wicked schemes!

Psalms 37:25

37:25 I was once young, now I am old.

I have never seen a godly man abandoned,

or his children forced to search for food.

Psalms 52:7

52:7 “Look, here is the man who would not make God his protector!

He trusted in his great wealth

and was confident about his plans to destroy others.”

Psalms 62:3

62:3 How long will you threaten a man?

All of you are murderers,

as dangerous as a leaning wall or an unstable fence.

Psalms 89:19

89:19 Then you spoke through a vision to your faithful followers and said:

“I have energized a warrior;

I have raised up a young man from the people.

Psalms 127:5

127:5 How blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!

They will not be put to shame when they confront enemies at the city gate.