Psalms 10:16

10:16 The Lord rules forever!

The nations are driven out of his land.

Psalms 37:11

37:11 But the oppressed will possess the land

and enjoy great prosperity.

Psalms 37:29

37:29 The godly will possess the land

and will dwell in it permanently.

Psalms 78:45

78:45 He sent swarms of biting insects against them,

as well as frogs that overran their land.

Psalms 80:9

80:9 You cleared the ground for it;

it took root,

and filled the land.

Psalms 85:12

85:12 Yes, the Lord will bestow his good blessings,

and our land will yield its crops.

Psalms 95:5

95:5 The sea is his, for he made it.

His hands formed the dry land.

Psalms 105:11

105:11 saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan

as the portion of your inheritance.”

Psalms 105:23

105:23 Israel moved to Egypt;

Jacob lived for a time in the land of Ham.

Psalms 105:27

105:27 They executed his miraculous signs among them,

and his amazing deeds in the land of Ham.

Psalms 105:30

105:30 Their land was overrun by frogs,

which even got into the rooms of their kings.

Psalms 105:32

105:32 He sent hail along with the rain;

there was lightning in their land.

Psalms 105:35-36

105:35 They ate all the vegetation in their land,

and devoured the crops of their fields.

105:36 He struck down all the firstborn in their land,

the firstfruits of their reproductive power.

Psalms 106:22

106:22 amazing feats in the land of Ham,

mighty acts by the Red Sea.

Psalms 106:24

106:24 They rejected the fruitful land;

they did not believe his promise.

Psalms 107:33-34

107:33 He turned streams into a desert,

springs of water into arid land,

107:34 and a fruitful land into a barren place,

because of the sin of its inhabitants.

Psalms 116:9

116:9 I will serve the Lord

in the land of the living.

Psalms 119:19

119:19 I am like a foreigner in this land.

Do not hide your commands from me!

Psalms 135:12

135:12 He gave their land as an inheritance,

as an inheritance to Israel his people.

Psalms 136:21

136:21 and gave their land as an inheritance,

for his loyal love endures,

Psalms 137:4

137:4 How can we sing a song to the Lord

in a foreign land?