Psalms 10:15

10:15 Break the arm of the wicked and evil man!

Hold him accountable for his wicked deeds,

which he thought you would not discover.

Psalms 14:7

14:7 I wish the deliverance of Israel would come from Zion!

When the Lord restores the well-being of his people,

may Jacob rejoice,

may Israel be happy!

Psalms 52:7

52:7 “Look, here is the man who would not make God his protector!

He trusted in his great wealth

and was confident about his plans to destroy others.”

Psalms 53:6

53:6 I wish the deliverance of Israel would come from Zion!

When God restores the well-being of his people,

may Jacob rejoice,

may Israel be happy!

Psalms 95:7

95:7 For he is our God;

we are the people of his pasture,

the sheep he owns.

Today, if only you would obey him!

Psalms 104:9

104:9 You set up a boundary for them that they could not cross,

so that they would not cover the earth again.