Psalms 1:2

1:2 Instead he finds pleasure in obeying the Lord’s commands;

he meditates on his commands day and night.

Psalms 18:16

18:16 He reached down from above and took hold of me;

he pulled me from the surging water.

Psalms 18:50

18:50 He gives his chosen king magnificent victories;

he is faithful to his chosen ruler,

to David and his descendants forever.”

Psalms 23:3

23:3 He restores my strength.

He leads me down the right paths

for the sake of his reputation.

Psalms 34:4

34:4 I sought the Lord’s help and he answered me;

he delivered me from all my fears.

Psalms 36:3

36:3 The words he speaks are sinful and deceitful;

he does not care about doing what is wise and right.

Psalms 41:8

41:8 They say,

‘An awful disease overwhelms him,

and now that he is bed-ridden he will never recover.’

Psalms 47:4

47:4 He picked out for us a special land

to be a source of pride for Jacob, whom he loves. (Selah)

Psalms 49:17-18

49:17 For he will take nothing with him when he dies;

his wealth will not follow him down into the grave.

49:18 He pronounces this blessing on himself while he is alive:

“May men praise you, for you have done well!”

Psalms 50:4

50:4 He summons the heavens above,

as well as the earth, so that he might judge his people.

Psalms 55:22

55:22 Throw your burden upon the Lord,

and he will sustain you.

He will never allow the godly to be upended.

Psalms 66:7

66:7 He rules by his power forever;

he watches the nations.

Stubborn rebels should not exalt themselves. (Selah)

Psalms 72:4

72:4 He will defend the oppressed among the people;

he will deliver the children of the poor

and crush the oppressor.

Psalms 72:13

72:13 He will take pity on the poor and needy;

the lives of the needy he will save.

Psalms 78:13

78:13 He divided the sea and led them across it;

he made the water stand in a heap.

Psalms 78:52

78:52 Yet he brought out his people like sheep;

he led them through the wilderness like a flock.

Psalms 78:69

78:69 He made his sanctuary as enduring as the heavens above;

as secure as the earth, which he established permanently.

Psalms 99:7

99:7 He spoke to them from a pillar of cloud;

they obeyed his regulations and the ordinance he gave them.

Psalms 102:23

102:23 He has taken away my strength in the middle of life;

he has cut short my days.

Psalms 103:10

103:10 He does not deal with us as our sins deserve;

he does not repay us as our misdeeds deserve.

Psalms 104:2

104:2 He covers himself with light as if it were a garment.

He stretches out the skies like a tent curtain,

Psalms 104:32

104:32 He looks down on the earth and it shakes;

he touches the mountains and they start to smolder.

Psalms 107:20

107:20 He sent them an assuring word and healed them;

he rescued them from the pits where they were trapped.

Psalms 107:38

107:38 He blessed them so that they became very numerous.

He would not allow their cattle to decrease in number.

Psalms 107:40

107:40 He would pour contempt upon princes,

and he made them wander in a wasteland with no road.

Psalms 109:7

109:7 When he is judged, he will be found guilty!

Then his prayer will be regarded as sinful.

Psalms 109:16

109:16 For he never bothered to show kindness;

he harassed the oppressed and needy,

and killed the disheartened.

Psalms 110:5

110:5 O sovereign Lord, at your right hand

he strikes down kings in the day he unleashes his anger.

Psalms 111:6

111:6 He announced that he would do mighty deeds for his people,

giving them a land that belonged to other nations.

Psalms 111:9

111:9 He delivered his people;

he ordained that his covenant be observed forever.

His name is holy and awesome.

Psalms 112:8

112:8 His resolve is firm; he will not succumb to fear

before he looks in triumph on his enemies.

Psalms 135:6

135:6 He does whatever he pleases

in heaven and on earth,

in the seas and all the ocean depths.

Psalms 145:19

145:19 He satisfies the desire of his loyal followers;

he hears their cry for help and delivers them.

Psalms 147:16

147:16 He sends the snow that is white like wool;

he spreads the frost that is white like ashes.