8:36 But the one who does not find me brings harm to himself;
all who hate me love death.”
10:9 The one who conducts himself in integrity will live securely,
but the one who behaves perversely will be found out.
11:25 A generous person will be enriched,
and the one who provides water for others will himself be satisfied.
16:7 When a person’s ways are pleasing to the Lord,
he even reconciles his enemies to himself.
20:2 The king’s terrifying anger is like the roar of a lion;
whoever provokes him sins against himself.
22:3 A shrewd person sees danger and hides himself,
but the naive keep right on going and suffer for it.
22:5 Thorns and snares are in the path of the perverse,
but the one who guards himself keeps far from them.
27:12 A shrewd person sees danger and hides himself,
but the naive keep right on going and suffer for it.