Proverbs 6:8

6:8 yet it prepares its food in the summer;

it gathers at the harvest what it will eat.

Proverbs 7:14

7:14 “I have fresh meat at home;

today I have fulfilled my vows!

Proverbs 9:13

9:13 The woman called Folly is brash,

she is naive and does not know anything.

Proverbs 9:18

9:18 But they do not realize that the dead are there,

that her guests are in the depths of the grave.

Proverbs 11:7

11:7 When a wicked person dies, his expectation perishes,

and the hope of his strength perishes.

Proverbs 16:4-5

16:4 The Lord works everything for its own ends –

even the wicked for the day of disaster.

16:5 The Lord abhors every arrogant person;

rest assured that they will not go unpunished.

Proverbs 28:14

28:14 Blessed is the one who is always cautious,

but whoever hardens his heart will fall into evil.

Proverbs 31:27

31:27 She watches over the ways of her household,

and does not eat the bread of idleness.