Proverbs 1:33

1:33 But the one who listens to me will live in security,

and will be at ease from the dread of harm.

Proverbs 6:26

6:26 for on account of a prostitute one is brought down to a loaf of bread,

but the wife of another man preys on your precious life.

Proverbs 9:12

9:12 If you are wise, you are wise to your own advantage,

but if you are a mocker, you alone must bear it.

Proverbs 10:1

The First Collection of Solomonic Proverbs

10:1 The Proverbs of Solomon:

A wise child makes a father rejoice,

but a foolish child is a grief to his mother.

Proverbs 10:5

10:5 The one who gathers crops in the summer is a wise son,

but the one who sleeps during the harvest

is a son who brings shame to himself.

Proverbs 10:15

10:15 The wealth of a rich person is like a fortified city,

but the poor are brought to ruin by their poverty.

Proverbs 11:11

11:11 A city is exalted by the blessing provided from the upright,

but it is destroyed by the counsel of the wicked.

Proverbs 11:15

11:15 The one who puts up security for a stranger will surely have trouble,

but whoever avoids shaking hands will be secure.

Proverbs 11:21

11:21 Be assured that the evil person will certainly be punished,

but the descendants of the righteous will not suffer unjust judgment.

Proverbs 12:4

12:4 A noble wife is the crown of her husband,

but the wife who acts shamefully is like rottenness in his bones.

Proverbs 12:6

12:6 The words of the wicked lie in wait to shed innocent blood,

but the words of the upright will deliver them.

Proverbs 12:10

12:10 A righteous person cares for the life of his animal,

but even the most compassionate acts of the wicked are cruel.

Proverbs 13:22

13:22 A benevolent person leaves an inheritance for his grandchildren,

but the wealth of a sinner is stored up for the righteous.

Proverbs 13:24

13:24 The one who spares his rod hates his child,

but the one who loves his child is diligent in disciplining him.

Proverbs 14:2

14:2 The one who walks in his uprightness fears the Lord,

but the one who is perverted in his ways despises him.

Proverbs 14:28

14:28 A king’s glory is the abundance of people,

but the lack of subjects is the ruin of a ruler.

Proverbs 15:19

15:19 The way of the sluggard is like a hedge of thorns,

but the path of the upright is like a highway.

Proverbs 16:22

16:22 Insight is like a life-giving fountain to the one who possesses it,

but folly leads to the discipline of fools.

Proverbs 17:24

17:24 Wisdom is directly in front of the discerning person,

but the eyes of a fool run to the ends of the earth.

Proverbs 18:24

18:24 A person who has friends may be harmed by them,

but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 19:7

19:7 All the relatives of a poor person hate him;

how much more do his friends avoid him –

he pursues them with words, but they do not respond.

Proverbs 19:12

19:12 A king’s wrath is like the roar of a lion,

but his favor is like dew on the grass.

Proverbs 19:19

19:19 A person with great anger bears the penalty,

but if you deliver him from it once, you will have to do it again.

Proverbs 19:21

19:21 There are many plans in a person’s mind,

but it is the counsel of the Lord which will stand.

Proverbs 20:4

20:4 The sluggard will not plow during the planting season,

so at harvest time he looks for the crop but has nothing.

Proverbs 21:20

21:20 There is desirable treasure and olive oil in the dwelling of the wise,

but a foolish person devours all he has.

Proverbs 22:15

22:15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child,

but the rod of discipline will drive it far from him.

Proverbs 23:7

23:7 for he is like someone calculating the cost in his mind.

“Eat and drink,” he says to you,

but his heart is not with you;

Proverbs 24:16

24:16 Although a righteous person may fall seven times, he gets up again,

but the wicked will be brought down by calamity.

Proverbs 27:3

27:3 A stone is heavy and sand is weighty,

but vexation by a fool is more burdensome than the two of them.

Proverbs 28:10

28:10 The one who leads the upright astray in an evil way

will himself fall into his own pit,

but the blameless will inherit what is good.

Proverbs 28:19-20

28:19 The one who works his land will be satisfied with food,

but whoever chases daydreams will have his fill of poverty.

28:20 A faithful person will have an abundance of blessings,

but the one who hastens to gain riches will not go unpunished.

Proverbs 28:27

28:27 The one who gives to the poor will not lack,

but whoever shuts his eyes to them will receive many curses.

Proverbs 29:18

29:18 When there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint,

but the one who keeps the law, blessed is he!