Proverbs 1:24

1:24 However, because I called but you refused to listen,

because I stretched out my hand but no one paid attention,

Proverbs 1:26

1:26 so I myself will laugh when disaster strikes you,

I will mock when what you dread comes,

Proverbs 4:11

4:11 I will guide you in the way of wisdom

and I will lead you in upright paths.

Proverbs 7:7

7:7 and I saw among the naive –

I discerned among the youths –

a young man who lacked wisdom.

Proverbs 7:15

7:15 That is why I came out to meet you,

to look for you, and I found you!

Proverbs 8:21

8:21 that I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth,

and that I may fill their treasuries.

Proverbs 30:2

30:2 Surely I am more brutish than any other human being,

and I do not have human understanding;