Numbers 14:42

14:42 Do not go up, for the Lord is not among you, and you will be defeated before your enemies.

Numbers 15:16

15:16 One law and one custom must apply to you and to the resident foreigner who lives alongside you.’”

Numbers 15:18-19

15:18 “Speak to the Israelites and tell them, ‘When you enter the land to which I am bringing you 15:19 and you eat some of the food of the land, you must offer up a raised offering to the Lord.

Numbers 17:4

17:4 You must place them in the tent of meeting before the ark of the covenant where I meet with you.

Numbers 28:4

28:4 The first lamb you must offer in the morning, and the second lamb you must offer in the late afternoon,

Numbers 28:25

28:25 On the seventh day you are to have a holy assembly, you must do no regular work.

Numbers 29:35

29:35 “‘On the eighth day you are to have a holy assembly; you must do no ordinary work on it.

Numbers 32:20

32:20 Then Moses replied, “If you will do this thing, and if you will arm yourselves for battle before the Lord,

Numbers 32:24

32:24 So build cities for your descendants and pens for your sheep, but do what you have said you would do.”

Numbers 32:30

32:30 But if they do not cross over with you armed, they must receive possessions among you in Canaan.”

Numbers 35:29

35:29 So these things must be a statutory ordinance for you throughout your generations, in all the places where you live.