Numbers 1:4

1:4 And to help you there is to be a man from each tribe, each man the head of his family.

Numbers 3:48

3:48 And give the money for the redemption of the excess number of them to Aaron and his sons.”

Numbers 5:9

5:9 Every offering of all the Israelites’ holy things that they bring to the priest will be his.

Numbers 6:23

6:23 “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is the way you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them:

Numbers 7:12

The Tribal Offerings

7:12 The one who presented his offering on the first day was Nahshon son of Amminadab, from the tribe of Judah.

Numbers 11:28

11:28 Joshua son of Nun, the servant of Moses, one of his choice young men, said, “My lord Moses, stop them!”

Numbers 20:13

20:13 These are the waters of Meribah, because the Israelites contended with the Lord, and his holiness was maintained among them.

Numbers 22:21

22:21 So Balaam got up in the morning, saddled his donkey, and went with the princes of Moab.

Numbers 23:18

Balaam Prophesies Again

23:18 Balaam uttered his oracle, and said,

“Rise up, Balak, and hear;

Listen to me, son of Zippor:

Numbers 24:18

24:18 Edom will be a possession,

Seir, his enemies, will also be a possession;

but Israel will act valiantly.

Numbers 27:23

27:23 He laid his hands on him and commissioned him, just as the Lord commanded, by the authority of Moses.

Numbers 32:42

32:42 Then Nobah went and captured Kenath and its villages and called it Nobah after his own name.