Numbers 1:3

1:3 You and Aaron are to number all in Israel who can serve in the army, those who are twenty years old or older, by their divisions.

Numbers 1:45

1:45 All the Israelites who were twenty years old or older, who could serve in Israel’s army, were numbered according to their families.

Numbers 3:15

3:15 “Number the Levites by their clans and their families; every male from a month old and upward you are to number.”

Numbers 3:28

3:28 Counting every male from a month old and upward, there were 8,600. They were responsible for the care of the sanctuary.

Numbers 3:40

The Substitution for the Firstborn

3:40 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Number all the firstborn males of the Israelites from a month old and upward, and take the number of their names.

Numbers 3:43

3:43 And all the firstborn males, by the number of the names from a month old and upward, totaled 22,273.

Numbers 26:2

26:2 “Take a census of the whole community of Israelites, from twenty years old and upward, by their clans, everyone who can serve in the army of Israel.”

Numbers 26:4

26:4 “Number the people from twenty years old and upward, just as the Lord commanded Moses and the Israelites who went out from the land of Egypt.”

Numbers 28:27

28:27 But you must offer as the burnt offering, as a sweet aroma to the Lord, two young bulls, one ram, seven lambs one year old,

Numbers 29:2

29:2 You must offer a burnt offering as a sweet aroma to the Lord: one young bull, one ram, and seven lambs one year old without blemish.