Nehemiah 5:16

5:16 I gave myself to the work on this wall, without even purchasing a field. All my associates were gathered there for the work.

Nehemiah 7:71-72

7:71 Some of the family leaders gave to the project treasury 20,000 gold drachmas and 2,200 silver minas. 7:72 What the rest of the people gave amounted to 20,000 gold drachmas, 2,000 silver minas, and 67 priestly garments.

Nehemiah 9:36

9:36 “So today we are slaves! In the very land you gave to our ancestors to eat its fruit and to enjoy its good things – we are slaves!

Nehemiah 12:40

12:40 Then the two choirs that gave thanks took their stations in the temple of God. I did also, along with half the officials with me,