Nehemiah 1:1

A Prayer of Nehemiah

1:1 These are the words of Nehemiah son of Hacaliah:

It so happened that in the month of Kislev, in the twentieth year, I was in Susa the citadel.

Nehemiah 1:4

1:4 When I heard these things I sat down abruptly, crying and mourning for several days. I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven.

Nehemiah 6:8

6:8 I sent word back to him, “We are not engaged in these activities you are describing. All of this is a figment of your imagination.”

Nehemiah 6:14

6:14 Remember, O my God, Tobiah and Sanballat in light of these actions of theirs – also Noadiah the prophetess and the other prophets who were trying to scare me!

Nehemiah 12:12

12:12 In the days of Joiakim, these were the priests who were leaders of the families: of Seraiah, Meraiah; of Jeremiah, Hananiah;