Nahum 1:15

Proclamation of the Deliverance of Judah

1:15 (2:1) Look! A herald is running on the mountains!

A messenger is proclaiming deliverance:

“Celebrate your sacred festivals, O Judah!

Fulfill your sacred vows to praise God!

For never again will the wicked Assyrians invade you,

they have been completely destroyed.”

Nahum 3:7

3:7 Everyone who sees you will turn away from you in disgust;

they will say, ‘Nineveh has been devastated!

Who will lament for her?’

There will be no one to comfort you!”

Nahum 3:10

3:10 Yet she went into captivity as an exile;

even her infants were smashed to pieces at the head of every street.

They cast lots for her nobility;

all her dignitaries were bound with chains.