Nahum 1:12

Oracle of Deliverance to Judah

1:12 This is what the Lord says:

“Even though they are powerful –

and what is more, even though their army is numerous –

nevertheless, they will be destroyed and trickle away!

Although I afflicted you,

I will afflict you no more.

Nahum 1:14

Oracle of Judgment against the King of Nineveh

1:14 The Lord has issued a decree against you:

“Your dynasty will come to an end.

I will destroy the idols and images in the temples of your gods.

I will desecrate your grave – because you are accursed!”

Nahum 2:1

Proclamation of the Destruction of Nineveh

2:1 (2:2) The watchmen of Nineveh shout:

“An enemy who will scatter you is marching out to attack you!”

“Guard the rampart!

Watch the road!

Prepare yourselves for battle!

Muster your mighty strength!”