Micah 2:8

2:8 but you rise up as an enemy against my people.

You steal a robe from a friend,

from those who pass by peacefully as if returning from a war.

Micah 3:4

3:4 Someday these sinners will cry to the Lord for help,

but he will not answer them.

He will hide his face from them at that time,

because they have done such wicked deeds.”

Micah 3:8

3:8 But I am full of the courage that the Lord’s Spirit gives,

and have a strong commitment to justice.

This enables me to confront Jacob with its rebellion,

and Israel with its sin.

Micah 4:12

4:12 But they do not know what the Lord is planning;

they do not understand his strategy.

He has gathered them like stalks of grain to be threshed at the threshing floor.

Micah 7:18

7:18 There is no other God like you!

You forgive sin

and pardon the rebellion

of those who remain among your people.

You do not remain angry forever,

but delight in showing loyal love.