Mark 7:8

7:8 Having no regard for the command of God, you hold fast to human tradition.”

Mark 10:4

10:4 They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of dismissal and to divorce her.”

Mark 10:22

10:22 But at this statement, the man looked sad and went away sorrowful, for he was very rich.

Mark 10:43

10:43 But it is not this way among you. Instead whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant,

Mark 13:5

13:5 Jesus began to say to them, “Watch out that no one misleads you.

Mark 15:6

Jesus and Barabbas

15:6 During the feast it was customary to release one prisoner to the people, whomever they requested.

Mark 15:9

15:9 So Pilate asked them, “Do you want me to release the king of the Jews for you?”

Mark 15:11

15:11 But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him release Barabbas instead.