Mark 3:20

Jesus and Beelzebul

3:20 Now Jesus went home, and a crowd gathered so that they were not able to eat.

Mark 6:43

6:43 and they picked up the broken pieces and fish that were left over, twelve baskets full.

Mark 6:52

6:52 because they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened.

Mark 7:35

7:35 And immediately the man’s ears were opened, his tongue loosened, and he spoke plainly.

Mark 8:9

8:9 There were about four thousand who ate. Then he dismissed them.

Mark 9:4

9:4 Then Elijah appeared before them along with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.

Mark 9:6

9:6 (For they were afraid, and he did not know what to say.)

Mark 9:15

9:15 When the whole crowd saw him, they were amazed and ran at once and greeted him.

Mark 9:32

9:32 But they did not understand this statement and were afraid to ask him.

Mark 10:26

10:26 They were even more astonished and said to one another, “Then who can be saved?”

Mark 12:20

12:20 There were seven brothers. The first one married, and when he died he had no children.

Mark 14:4

14:4 But some who were present indignantly said to one another, “Why this waste of expensive ointment?

Mark 14:19

14:19 They were distressed, and one by one said to him, “Surely not I?”