Mark 3:1

Healing a Withered Hand

3:1 Then Jesus entered the synagogue again, and a man was there who had a withered hand.

Mark 4:9

4:9 And he said, “Whoever has ears to hear had better listen!”

Mark 5:8

5:8 (For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of that man, you unclean spirit!”)

Mark 5:25

5:25 Now a woman was there who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years.

Mark 6:30

The Feeding of the Five Thousand

6:30 Then the apostles gathered around Jesus and told him everything they had done and taught.

Mark 6:53

Healing the Sick

6:53 After they had crossed over, they came to land at Gennesaret and anchored there.

Mark 11:6

11:6 They replied as Jesus had told them, and the bystanders let them go.

Mark 12:20

12:20 There were seven brothers. The first one married, and when he died he had no children.

Mark 12:22

12:22 None of the seven had children. Finally, the woman died too.

Mark 15:7

15:7 A man named Barabbas was imprisoned with rebels who had committed murder during an insurrection.

Mark 15:10

15:10 (For he knew that the chief priests had handed him over because of envy.)