Mark 1:7

1:7 He proclaimed, “One more powerful than I am is coming after me; I am not worthy to bend down and untie the strap of his sandals.

Mark 1:38

1:38 He replied, “Let us go elsewhere, into the surrounding villages, so that I can preach there too. For that is what I came out here to do.”

Mark 9:19

9:19 He answered them, “You unbelieving generation! How much longer must I be with you? How much longer must I endure you? Bring him to me.”

Mark 11:33

11:33 So they answered Jesus, “We don’t know.” Then Jesus said to them, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.”

Mark 14:31

14:31 But Peter insisted emphatically, “Even if I must die with you, I will never deny you.” And all of them said the same thing.