Mark 1:11

1:11 And a voice came from heaven: “You are my one dear Son; in you I take great delight.”

Mark 1:41

1:41 Moved with compassion, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, “I am willing. Be clean!”

Mark 3:28

3:28 I tell you the truth, people will be forgiven for all sins, even all the blasphemies they utter.

Mark 8:29

8:29 He asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.”

Mark 10:15

10:15 I tell you the truth, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”

Mark 13:30

13:30 I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.

Mark 14:32


14:32 Then they went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.”