Leviticus 4:23

4:23 or his sin that he committed is made known to him, he must bring a flawless male goat as his offering.

Leviticus 4:27

For the Common Person

4:27 “‘If an ordinary individual sins by straying unintentionally when he violates one of the Lord’s commandments which must not be violated, and he pleads guilty

Leviticus 6:7

6:7 So the priest will make atonement on his behalf before the Lord and he will be forgiven for whatever he has done to become guilty.”

Leviticus 6:11

6:11 Then he must take off his clothes and put on other clothes, and he must bring the fatty ashes outside the camp to a ceremonially clean place,

Leviticus 9:12

The Burnt Offering for the Priests

9:12 He then slaughtered the burnt offering, and his sons handed the blood to him and he splashed it against the altar’s sides.

Leviticus 13:44

13:44 he is a diseased man. He is unclean. The priest must surely pronounce him unclean because of his infection on his head.

Leviticus 15:23

15:23 If there is something on the bed or on the furniture she sits on, when he touches it he will be unclean until evening,

Leviticus 16:20

The Live Goat Ritual Procedures

16:20 “When he has finished purifying the holy place, the Meeting Tent, and the altar, he is to present the live goat.

Leviticus 16:23

The Concluding Rituals

16:23 “Aaron must then enter the Meeting Tent and take off the linen garments which he had put on when he entered the sanctuary, and leave them there.

Leviticus 17:16

17:16 But if he does not wash his clothes and does not bathe his body, he will bear his punishment for iniquity.’”

Leviticus 20:9

Family Life and Sexual Prohibitions

20:9 “‘If anyone curses his father and mother he must be put to death. He has cursed his father and mother; his blood guilt is on himself.

Leviticus 21:8

21:8 You must sanctify him because he presents the food of your God. He must be holy to you because I, the Lord who sanctifies you all, am holy.

Leviticus 21:11

21:11 He must not go where there is any dead person; he must not defile himself even for his father and his mother.

Leviticus 21:14

21:14 He must not marry a widow, a divorced woman, or one profaned by prostitution; he may only take a virgin from his people as a wife.

Leviticus 22:5

22:5 or a man who touches a swarming thing by which he becomes unclean, or touches a person by which he becomes unclean, whatever that person’s impurity –

Leviticus 22:7

22:7 When the sun goes down he will be clean, and afterward he may eat from the holy offerings, because they are his food.

Leviticus 25:40-41

25:40 He must be with you as a hired worker, as a resident foreigner; he must serve with you until the year of jubilee, 25:41 but then he may go free, he and his children with him, and may return to his family and to the property of his ancestors.