Leviticus 4:22

For the Leader

4:22 “‘Whenever a leader, by straying unintentionally, sins and violates one of the commandments of the Lord his God which must not be violated, and he pleads guilty,

Leviticus 11:45

11:45 for I am the Lord who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God, and you are to be holy because I am holy.

Leviticus 18:4

18:4 You must observe my regulations and you must be sure to walk in my statutes. I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 21:7

21:7 They must not take a wife defiled by prostitution, nor are they to take a wife divorced from her husband, for the priest is holy to his God.

Leviticus 21:17

21:17 “Tell Aaron, ‘No man from your descendants throughout their generations who has a physical flaw is to approach to present the food of his God.

Leviticus 22:25

22:25 Even from a foreigner you must not present the food of your God from such animals as these, for they are ruined and flawed; they will not be acceptable for your benefit.’”

Leviticus 23:28

23:28 You must not do any work on this particular day, because it is a day of atonement to make atonement for yourselves before the Lord your God.

Leviticus 25:36

25:36 Do not take interest or profit from him, but you must fear your God and your brother must live with you.