Leviticus 4:10

4:10 – just as it is taken from the ox of the peace offering sacrifice – and the priest must offer them up in smoke on the altar of burnt offering.

Leviticus 8:13

8:13 Moses also brought forward Aaron’s sons, clothed them with tunics, wrapped sashes around them, and wrapped headbands on them just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

Leviticus 8:17

8:17 but the rest of the bull – its hide, its flesh, and its dung – he completely burned up outside the camp just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

Leviticus 9:21

9:21 Finally Aaron waved the breasts and the right thigh as a wave offering before the Lord just as Moses had commanded.

Leviticus 10:5

10:5 So they came near and carried them away in their tunics to a place outside the camp just as Moses had spoken.

Leviticus 10:18

10:18 See here! Its blood was not brought into the holy place within! You should certainly have eaten it in the sanctuary just as I commanded!”

Leviticus 18:28

18:28 So do not make the land vomit you out because you defile it just as it has vomited out the nations that were before you.

Leviticus 24:19-20

24:19 If a man inflicts an injury on his fellow citizen, just as he has done it must be done to him – 24:20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth – just as he inflicts an injury on another person that same injury must be inflicted on him.