Leviticus 18:8

18:8 You must not have sexual intercourse with your father’s wife; she is your father’s nakedness.

Leviticus 18:12-13

18:12 You must not have sexual intercourse with your father’s sister; she is your father’s flesh. 18:13 You must not have sexual intercourse with your mother’s sister, because she is your mother’s flesh.

Leviticus 18:16

18:16 You must not have sexual intercourse with your brother’s wife; she is your brother’s nakedness.

Leviticus 19:27

19:27 You must not round off the corners of the hair on your head or ruin the corners of your beard.

Leviticus 25:3

25:3 Six years you may sow your field, and six years you may prune your vineyard and gather the produce,

Leviticus 25:7

25:7 your cattle, and the wild animals that are in your land – all its produce will be for you to eat.