Leviticus 14:7
14:7 and sprinkle it seven times on the one being cleansed from the disease, pronounce him clean, and send the live bird away over the open countryside.
Leviticus 14:27
14:27 and sprinkle some of the olive oil that is in his left hand with his right forefinger seven times before the Lord.
Leviticus 16:19
16:19 Then he is to sprinkle on it some of the blood with his finger seven times, and cleanse and consecrate it from the impurities of the Israelites.
Leviticus 25:8
Regulations for the Jubilee Year of Release
25:8 “‘You must count off seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, and the days of the seven weeks of years will amount to forty-nine years.
Leviticus 26:18
26:18 “‘If, in spite of all these things, you do not obey me, I will discipline you seven times more on account of your sins.
Leviticus 26:21
26:21 “‘If you walk in hostility against me and are not willing to obey me, I will increase your affliction seven times according to your sins.
Leviticus 26:28
26:28 I will walk in hostile rage against you and I myself will also discipline you seven times on account of your sins.